Ensure your event’s compliance and safety with our Tent Safety Pack from Classic Party Rentals of Virginia, which includes two lighted exit signs and two fire extinguishers. In Virginia, state law requires that all tents over 900 square feet have a building permit and pass a fire inspection. Our Tent Safety Pack is specifically designed to meet these legal requirements, giving you the necessary equipment to stay within regulations for your tented events.
Classic Party Rentals of Virginia takes the hassle out of this process by managing all the required permits and fire inspections on your behalf. We’ll handle the paperwork and any associated fees, which will be clearly listed as a separate line item on your order confirmation. This allows you to focus on planning your event while we ensure that everything is in place to meet safety standards.
Our Tent Safety Pack provides the essential items needed to comply with regulations, including two lighted exit signs and two fire extinguishers. We will assess your specific event needs to determine the exact number of safety items required and make sure they are included with your rental. While Virginia’s regulations apply to tents over 900 square feet, it’s also important to note that some cities, counties, and venues have additional requirements. These local rules might apply even to smaller tents, and some venues may mandate fire safety equipment for tents of any size.
Classic Party Rentals of Virginia stays up-to-date with all local and state regulations to ensure your event remains compliant, no matter where it’s held. By providing our Tent Safety Pack and handling the necessary permits, we make it easy for you to meet all legal obligations. Let us take care of the details, so you can have peace of mind knowing that your event is safe, secure, and fully compliant.
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